Sunday, 8 May 2011


A poor woman was sitting on a cemented  railing  near a bypass  with her child, a 2-3 year old boy. The child was playing close to her, and she was looking at the highway, where many vehicles were moving , trucks, tractors, cars etc. While the mother's eye was on highway, her mind was in some thought, some unknown thought, may be she was remembering the old days when coming to the city was a dream come true for her, and now she was in a city.
Suddenly, the mother came out her thoughts. A car attracted her attention and dragged her out of her thought to come into the reality. This car was being driven by a rich woman , with  her child in the car. It was not the car, but the woman and child in the car that disturbed her, dragged her out of her happy old memories.
She kept looking at the car, until it disappeared from the view, on the long highway. Poor woman again went into a thought, and this thought was not a happy thought. She turned her head towards her child, who was watching her mother, when she was looking at the car. She looked into the eyes of her child in such a way as if she was saying," Oh my child, i am a poor mother, i could not provide you those facilities that other mothers
 are providing to their children" and without saying any word she lifted him child and hugged him tightly.
The child also looked into the eyes of his mother and smiled in such a way as if he was saying ,"Oh mother, do not be sad, I am very happy to have you my mother in this life. No other woman would have loved me as you love me. For me, your love is more precious than those facilities that the rich mothers are providing to their children. I love you too".

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